Finding Your Natural

On January 14, 2021 the United States Post Office accepted My first round of Finding Your Natural mailer boxes. Each box loaded with a hand-picked selection of self-care and fashionable items praising woman of color. with the boxes in transit, I was officially crowned a new small business owner... 

Everything that lead up to my entrepreneurial launch - all the hard work, planning efforts, and the promoting to build the brand, would never negate that my principal gig and priority was home. See, at home is where I play the roles of mom to 5, fiancée, and Ops Manager for a logistics company working 15-hour shifts. 

Trying to balance it all is an understatement. Chasing dreams, while working to meet needs and keeping everyone around me happy is a continuous struggle. To be honest, I tend to lose myself in the mix. However, in the imbalance of it all is actually how Finding Your Natural (FYN) evolved. With my bad days outweighing my good, I began to understand that it was all part of the journey into my purpose and this is what cemented the foundation for FYN

One of my favorite quotes is,

We repeat what we don’t repair.
— Christine Langley-Obaugh

For me it was important to know my weaknesses and to pay attention to my imperfections or failures so that I could keep improving everyday. It was also an opportunity to stop shying away from asking for help when it was needed and to take better care of myself.  

FYN stands for helping women to really understand this philosophy - to know her worth, persevere through adversity with self-care, and to have an awareness for who she really is beyond the imperfections, by recognizing her strengths.

The mailer boxes are just a small glimpse of what FYN is growing to be. My biggest hope is for this brand to become a sounding board for women of color around the world through cross-promotions with other minority women-owned businesses, empowerment conferences, fundraising for women’s struggles, and even youth engagements. 

Although I have yet to master how to keep those who I love happy without giving the perception of putting them on the back burner, I know, and do my best to show that I am fighting for us all to have so much more. Understanding that I will never be perfect within the balance, I do what I can and I keep my eyes fixed on the bigger picture. I’ve learned to also involve the people around me more, so they too can understand the process and see for themselves the path I am on. 

FYN is something I truly enjoy. The best part of running my own business is being able to meet people and witness the love and support I receive even from those I don’t know, but who do understand the mommy-prenuers’ plight and choose to support the mission. Networking has been so valuable to my brand and also for my own encouragement. Through collaborations is how me and my boxes thrive. 

For more information about FYN collaborative opportunities or to get your own FYN Mailer Box follow me on Instagram and FB @FindingYourNatural.


My name is Kim Coleman and I am a ReWriter… finding my natural.